Male Breast Reduction Surgery


This is a cosmetic surgery procedure to reduce the size of male breasts. If you find that one or both breasts are abnormally large you may have a condition called Gynecomastia, which is the term for the development of breast tissue in men. This can be caused by a hormone imbalance or as a result of dramatic weight loss. Breast reduction surgery may be suitable for men with this condition to remove excess breast tissue, fat and skin to tighten the chest area to achieve a more masculine chest.

The procedure is usually carried out under general anaesthetic either as a day case or with an overnight stay. The operation takes about ninety minutes. Your  will have dissolving stitches,  covered with tape. This should be left in place for three weeks. You will need to wear a pressure garment for at least six weeks after surgery. Light physical exercise may be resumed after two weeks but strenuous exercise and heavy lifting should be avoided for a further four to six weeks.

What is male breast reduction\ Gynaecomastia surgery?

Male breast reduction or Gynaecomastia surgery involves the surgical removal of excessive breast tissue, fat and skin in the breast area to give a masculine appearance to males affected with this condition. This is a procedure that involves the careful removal of the tissue and a tightening of the chest to present a symmetrical and more masculine look. Gynaecomastia is often commonly referred to as ‘moobs’ or ‘man boobs’.

The procedure involves making an incision around the nipple, removing excess fatty tissue and if there is a lot of tissue to remove extending the cuts and re-positioning the nipple. The wounds will be closed with dissolving sutures, then glued and covered with tape.

Who should consider male breast reduction\ Gynaecomastia surgery?

Men who suffer from a hormonal imbalance and males who have undergone a very fast weight loss program can exhibit these conditions. When males undergo quick weight loss, the chest tends to look flabby and loose warranting a male breast reduction or Gynaecomastia surgery.

Benefits of male breast reduction\ Gynaecomastia surgery

The benefits of male breast reduction or Gynaecomastia surgery are manifold, some of which are :

  • Firm and flat chest in males that will increase confidence
  • Tight chest without sagging and embarrassing breast like appearance
  • Restoration of normal looks permitting men to wear tight fitting clothes without embarrassment
  • Ability to take part in social activities without any diffidence

Preparing for surgery

Preparation for male breast reduction or Gynaecomastia surgery should ideally involve the following as it is performed under general anaesthesia

  • Abstain from alcohol and smoking for a period prior to the surgery
  • Share detailed medical history with specialist prior to procedure
  • Be ready to go on painkiller medications after the surgery
  • Be prepared to stay away from work outs for six weeks

After the treatment & Recovery time

After a male breast reduction or Gynaecomastia surgery the following can be expected

  • Wearing of a pressure garment for close to six weeks
  • Recovery in full can be expected six weeks after a male breast reduction or Gynaecomastia surgery
  • Exercise is best avoided for six weeks after a male breast reduction or Gynaecomastia surgery with the exception of very light and easy exercises two weeks after the procedure
  • The stitches will dissolve beneath the tape which should be left in place for three weeks

Risk & precaution to take

The risks associated with procedures performed under general anaesthesia apply to male breast reduction or Gynaecomastia surgery. It is possible to reduce exposure to risk by taking the following precautions:

  • Share detailed medical history with specialist prior to procedure
  • Be ready to go on painkiller medications after the surgery
  • Be prepared to stay away from work for at least two weeks


For more information on this procedure from The British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons click here;


Operation Time 1.5 hrs
Anesthesia general
Nights in hospital 1
Common Risks common bruising, swelling, temporary numbness
Uncommon Risks infection, bad scarring, asymmetry, bleeding, permanent numbness, nipple loss, seroma
Pain and discomfort 3 – 7 days
Follow-up after surgery 1 week, 2 weeks, 3 months
Time off work 1 – 2 weeks
Sports 2 weeks walking
4 weeks fast walking
6 weeks everything
Result 12 weeks until final result scars continue to improve over 18 months

Our cost for a male breast reduction is from £5,495-8,995, dependent on consultation.

The procedure is usually performed under a general anaesthetic at our specialist clinic and usually involves a one night stay in hospital.

This cost includes all your consultations before surgery and unlimited appointments following your procedure.

For a consultation please complete our contact form or telephone 0800 001 6688

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Breast Reduction
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Male Breast Reduction
Nipple/Areola Reduction